Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rin Tin Tin Discussion

Sorry for the lack of posting fellow Ferret book clubbers! A vacation in sunny Fort Meyers with a happy, but sick, toddler will do that to you. Our previous book club meeting to discuss Rin Tin Tin was fabulous, as always. I’ll let others speak for themselves, but I did enjoy the book for the most part. Orleans has a fabulous way with turns of phrases (I’ll post some favorite quotes in the comments). But, I felt that the book bogged down in several places. I really found it hard to get into at first; I have no experience with Rin Tin Tin the phenomenon, so I wondered if I’d be interested in the story at all. Of course, Orleans makes the story so much more than just about the wonder dog of the cinema. Somehow she manages to include in the story of a man and his dog details about the use of dogs in just about every capacity in WW1, the birth of cinema, the rise of dogs as household pets and obedience training, celebrity imposters, rabid fans, and more.

We also discussed what it means to be a work of nonfiction. I think that the delineation between fiction and nonfiction is extremely blurry. When we read any kind of book, there is a single author who has crafted a narrative, whether using facts or not. The author leaves items out, presents information in a dramatic form (otherwise, why would we read the book?), chooses a timeline (or to artificially play with that timeline), etc. All of this is expected in a work of fiction. In a work of nonfiction, these tactics serve to distance you from whatever truth you believe you may be reading about. Which parts of a person’s memoir does the author choose to reveal to you? Who do they interview and how does their own view of the topic (total stranger, tremendous fan, extreme critic) affect how they approach subjects to interview, angles to focus on?

All in all, yet another great discussion for us.
Happy reading!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rin Tin Tin Discussion Questions

Hello Ferret book clubbers! Next week on Tuesday, March 6, we'll be meeting at the the shack after work for another round of book club. Let's see what we all have to see in our first foray into nonfiction for the club. I'll be adding discussion questions directly to this post; now, it's the weekend before the meeting, so if you haven't finished reading, well, get cracking! But, just in case, there may be spoilers in the questions below. So stop reading now if you haven't finished. We'll bring a copy of the questions to the meeting. Next up for the book pick is Matt. After that, it makes the most sense to just keep going in the same cycle, so Amy would be next.

Happy reading!
**Possible spoilers ahead**

The first question is from Diane:

"How well do you think this book was edited? Would you have made different editorial decisions? How did you feel about the research and fact checking?"

Additional questions:

1. Were you familiar with Rin Tin Tin before reading this book? What memories do you have of the famous dog? What was it like to delve back into the history of Rin Tin Tin? If this was your first introduction to him, what impressions did the book give you?

2. Orlean attributes Lee's fierce love of dogs to his traumatic childhood, in which both his mother and father abandoned him for a time. As Orlean writes: "The experience shaped him; for the rest of his life, he was always deeply alone....The only companion in his loneliness he would ever find would be his dog, and his attachment to animals grew to be deeper than his attachment to any person." (p. 15) Do you agree with this assessment? What other forces, if any, contributed to Lee's love of dogs?

3. Lee and the first Rin Tin Tin shared an incredibly close bond. Do you think Lee's devotion to Rinty was more of an endearing character trait, or a symptom of deeper personal issues? Consider the many people who felt wronged or resentful toward Lee—his daughter Carolyn, his wife Charlotte, and his wife Eva, in your answer.

4. Lee steadfastly believed that Rinty was destined for greatness and, as Orlean writes, "he was lucky to be his human guide and companion." (p. 34) Do you think Lee underestimated, or misunderstood, his importance in creating the Rin Tin Tin juggernaut?

5. On the strangely frequent coincidences that kept Rin Tin Tin's narrative alive, Orlean writes, "Everything connected to Rin Tin Tin was full of happenstance and charm, lightning strikes of fortune and hairpin turns of luck; from a standstill, life around Rin Tin Tin always seemed to accelerate out of the depths of disappointment to a new place filled with possibility." (p. 262) Reflect on a few such serendipitous moments. Do you think life tends to look coincidental in hindsight—or was Rin Tin Tin's story really blessed?

6. Although he never made concrete plans to ensure the continuation of Rinty's legacy, Lee insisted that "There will always be a Rin Tin Tin." (p. 3) Was Lee being prophetic or delusional—or both?

7. The original Rin Tin Tin was considered essentially human in popular culture. A review of one of his films, for example, describes his eyes as conveying something "tragic, fierce, sad and…a nobility and degree of loyalty not credible in a person." (p. 71) Why was Rinty so completely and earnestly anthropomorphized by millions of fans? Where do you stand on the scale from "a dog is a dog" to "Rin Tin Tin was essentially human"?

8. Orlean notes that "when Rin Tin Tin first became famous, most dogs in the world would not sit down when asked." (p. 123) With that in mind, how much of the awe and reverence surrounding Rin Tin Tin the first would you attribute to the novelty of trained dogs? How much stands the test of time?

9. At the height of his earning power, Rin Tin Tin was paid eight times as much as his human co-stars. Do you think this was fair? Why or why not?

10. Orlean writes that Rin Tin Tin, alive on the screen, "was everything Americans wanted to think they were—brave, enterprising, bold, and most of all, individual." (pp. 87, 89) How much of Rin Tin Tin's emotional depth do you think came from viewers projecting their own feelings on him?

11. Orlean writes, "As his fame grew, Rin Tin Tin became, in a way, less particular—less specifically this one single dog—and more conceptual, the archetypal dog hero." (p. 97) In what ways did Rin Tin Tin shift from a literal representation to a symbolic figure? What specific moments, if any, highlight this shift?

12. How did the evolution of the film and television industries dictate the various reincarnations of Rin Tin Tin? Why was Rin Tin Tin—the dog and the archetype—so wildly successful, both in films and later in television?

13. By the late 1950s, Rin Tin Tin's aura of invincibility was beginning to wear off. Orlean explains, "Now, instead of being a miracle, he was a model. He was the dog you could aspire to have, and maybe even manage to have, at home." (p. 217) What explains this shift? Is it necessarily a bad one?

14. The criteria used to determine Rin Tin Tin's descendants evolved as the Rin Tin Tin ideal expanded through time and across mediums. As Orlean concludes, "The unbroken strand is not one of genetics but one of belief." (p. 137) Why did this evolution from genetics to belief occur? Do you think this reliance on human decisions, rather than canine pedigrees, undermines the magical reverence of Rin Tin Tin the first?

15. Orlean writes that at one point she felt like "everybody I met or heard about in connection to Rin Tin Tin was a little crazy." (p. 282) Do you agree? Why or why not? Consider the various actions that Lee, Burt, and Daphne took in the name of defending Rin Tin Tin's legacy.

16. Bert takes over as the protagonist of the book after Lee dies. How do you feel about the way the narrative continues after Lee's death?

17. What do you think Lee and Bert would have thought of this book?

18. Orlean wonders, of the many different iterations of Rin Tin Tin, "Could that wide, wide range of manifestations really belong to anyone?" (p. 297) What do you think? If yes, who owns which parts of the legacy—legally, sentimentally, practically? Do you think Orlean herself now owns a part of the legacy, too?

19. Orlean writes that she sometimes "began to wonder if the legacy of RTT was finally contracting." (p. 311) What do you think? How does her book factor in this observation?

20. Orlean delves into many historical events and movements in the book—dogs in the military, obedience training, movie and television history—to name a few. Which facts surprised you the most?
21. Do you believe that there will always be a Rin Tin Tin? Why or why not?