Thursday, December 4, 2008

Belated Clan Of The Cave Bear

Forgive me for the lack of posting; the delay was definitely not for lack of good conversation, observations, and food. For this meeting, we trekked over to Hungry Mother for some new southern cuisine and some good discussion about Jean M. Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear.

My impressions of the book were pretty meh. I thought that Auel's descriptions of a the fateful meeting between the more developed Cro-Magnons (Ayla) and the doomed Neanderthals (the Clan) and the world that both species inhabited were inventive. But, I wasn't able to willingly suspend my disbelief for most of the book. Ayla was too perfect. Tall, blonde, unaware of her own beauty, she's a feminist 30,000 years too soon. Somehow she magically makes all of the jumps in logic that it would take an entire species to do all by herself. I also felt that the villain of the book, Broud, was fairly one-dimensional. I felt the author pulling her strings and manipulating me into hating him, waiting for him to get what was coming to him.

At today's book club meeting, I heard that a fellow intrepid book clubber watched the movie over the holiday's. We want details about how bad it was!

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